Roofing work on the Grizzly Inn is almost finished thanks to the efforts of a US Forest Service repair crew led by Ryan Powell, Heritage Program Manager for the Flathead National Forest.
Originally called the “Nasukoin Cabin,” the Grizzly Inn got its current name back in the 60’s when Chuck Jonkel spent a lot of time there doing his early, foundational grizzly bear research. It has been around for better than 80 years and likely much longer ago than that — Ralph Thayer inscribed his name on the north wall on April 22, 1942. Until recently, the Grizzly Inn was maintained by “traveler’s code.” Folks who used it made repairs.
On September 19-20, the Forest Service started a badly needed update to the roof, which had been badly damagedĀ by (of course!) a bear a few years ago. They ran out of time on the first visit, but should have the remaining work wrapped up within the next few days. Here are a few photos from that effort . . .

Grizzly Inn hike, including Forest Service repair crew, September 19, 2023. From left to right: Josh Heflin (USFS), Cole Osbrink (USFS), Randy Kenyon & Numa (NF Trails), Polly Preston (NF Trails) and Ryan Powell (USFS). – W. K. Walker